Navigating the Business of Art with Poncho Brown


In "Navigating the Business of Art," Poncho will address vital topics for emerging and mid-career artists aiming to elevate their art business to the next level. This event promises to provide valuable insights and practical advice for artists looking to succeed in the competitive art world.

Larry Poncho Brown, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, embarked on his artistic journey at the age of 17 and has since become a full-time artist with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art. His art has graced the pages of national publications such as Upscale, Ebony, and Jet magazines, and has been featured in popular television shows and movies. #artbeyondborders #art #blackart #larryponchobrown #artisttalk #businessinart #baltimore #blackartinamerica #BAIA #atlanta #eastpoint

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Landscapes for Richard Mayhew

Jan 31 - April 26
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