The BAIA hosted Fine Art Print Fair will provide a unique opportunity for all to engage with contemporary and legacy fine art printmaking.

    Featuring works by: Jamaal Barber, Rashaun Rucker, Chloe Alexander, Robin Holder, Delita Martin, Nathaniel Mary Quinn, Steve Prince, Jerushia Graham, Najee Dorsey, Dr Samella Lewis, Robert Colescott, Kerry James Marshall, Ron Adams, Charles Criner, Carolyn Mazloomi, Mildred Thompson, Khalif Thompson, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Willie Birch, Alison Saar, Wadsworth Jarrell, Charles Mills , Wille Cole, Nelson Stevens, Faith Ringgold, Mel Edwards, Micheal Gibson, Archie Mason, Curlee Raven Holton, Ify Chiejina, Alfred Conteh, David C. Driskell, Jennifer Mack-Watkins, Arvie Smith, and More

    238 products
    Mims, Traci (Youth)
    Mims, Traci (I Sing)
    Mims, Traci (Pray)
    Mims, Traci (Jacobs Ladder)
    Abdul-Musawwir, Najjar, (Standing)
    Williams, Walter (Caged Bird)
    Deceus, Francks, (As It Happens llI)
    Sadler, Sonia, (Summer mind)
    Dorsey, Najee (Hot seat)
    Stevens, Nelson, (Primal Force)
    Harris, Kevin (Songs With Birds 6th Stanza)
    Adams, Ron, (Neptune Washington)
    Barber, Jamaal, (A Council of Women (limited edition))
    Mims, Traci (Still We Bloom)
    Prince, Steve, (Salt Of The Earth)
    Dorsey, Najee (Had a seat, took a stand)
    Ringgold, Faith, (Mama Can Sing/Papa Can Blow )
    Marshall Linnemeir, Lynn, (Random Comment)
    Harris, Kevin (Songs With Birds 11th Stanza)
    Hicks, Leon, (Black Boy)
    Gammon, Reginald (New Orleans Marching Band)
    Warnock, Jasmin (Death of the American Dream: Watercolor Edition)
    Gibson, Micheal (Crowned In Her Glory)
    Rucker, Rashaun (Shelter In The Storm)
    Washington, Mikayla (Concentration 2)
    Cole, Willie, (Ogun Sisters)
    Andrews, Benny, (Glider)
    Holder, Robin, (They Did More to Us Than Katrina)
    Edwards, Mel, (Monumental)
    Denmark, James, (The Couple)
    Fulton Ross, Gale (Freedom Rights Series)
    Harris, Kevin (Songs With Birds 5th Stanza)
    Johnson, Ann, (Sole Glow)
    Bailey, Kofi, (untitled drawing)
    Conteh, Alfred, (Evan and Aaron)
    Mason, Archie (Keep Us Safe)
    Holton, Curlee Raven (Searching For a Memory)
    Ringgold, Faith, (All Power To The People )
    Barber, Jamaal, (Essence)
    Conteh, Alfred ( Assa)
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