Abstracts and Last Works of James Taylor

    Rhythm and Flow is a group exhibition offering a diverse collection of contemporary abstracts and figurative works with a special selection of watercolor works by the late James Taylor. 


    46 products
    Downs, Conversations In The Abstract #101
    Downs, Conversations In The Abstract #111
    Walton, Ronald (Cornrows)
    Cox, Cedric Michael, (Diamonds Thrust)
    Bearden, Romare, (Prologue to Troy, Before Troy)
    Cole, Kevin, (For the Sisters Who Carry the Burdens of Sistas: Florence Griffin Joyner)
    Cole, Kevin, (Urban Hopes II)
    Cole, Kevin, (For the Sisters Who Carry the Burdens of Sistas: Rosa Parks)
    Thompson, Mildred (Advancing Impulses 36)
    Thompson, Mildred (Heliocentric I)
    Terry, Lawrence (A Collective Soul)
    Terry, Lawrence (Hourglass)
    Terry, Lawrence (Jade)
    Terry, Lawrence (Dancing With The Ancestors)
    Terry, Lawrence (A Goldfinch Chirps In Early Spring)
    Abdul-Musawwir, Najjar, (Fatiha & Door of Return Series, Untitled #1)
    Dorsey, Najee (Lollipop Landscape)
    Dorsey, Najee (South End of Town)
    Dorsey, Najee (Return to Eden #4)
    Walton, Ronald (American Drama)
    Walton, Ronald (Beauty Parts)
    Cole, Kevin, (In Times II)
    Cole, Kevin, (In Times III)
    Cole, Kevin, (In Times IV)
    Cole, Kevin, (Untitled)
    Downs, Conversations In The Abstract #99
    Downs, Conversations In The Abstract #103
    Downs, Conversations In The Abstract #107
    Downs, Conversations In The Abstract #112
    Grant Preston, Felicia (Following the Spirit)
    Grant Preston, Felicia (Color In My Soul #1)
    Grant Preston, Felicia (Showers of Blessings)
    Grant Preston, Felicia (Getting In the Flow #2)
    Grant Preston, Felicia (A View Into the Universe)
    Grant Preston, Felicia, (A Chance Occurrence)
    Taylor, James, (Self Portrait)
    Taylor, James, (April)
    Laurent, Reginald, (The Mood Is Mellow)
    Laurent, Reginald, (Organic Sunshine)
    Taylor, James, (Untitled Man #1)
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